Our Research and Evidence Based Practice
At Essence of Wellness, we strive to use the most effective chiropractic care that is available, with the aim of improving patient results. To help accomplish that goal, our practice actively contributes to the scientific literature. See our research below.
Journal Publications
Check out our publications at: Google Scholar or National Library of Medicine or ResearchGate or Orcid .

Dr. Dean Smith accepts the 2021 Chiropractor of the Year Award from the Ohio State Chiropractic Association.
Alessio HM, Malay N, Jones A, Stein L, Thornburg T, O’Connell M, Smith DL. A 3-Month Dual-Task Exercise Randomized Pilot Trial Improves Dynamic Stability and Coordination in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. J Aging Phys Act. 2025 Jan 3:1-11. doi: 10.1123/japa.2023-0270.
McGuire TG, Picard CT, Ward RM, Smith DL, Kwon, YH, Walsh MS. The effects of target distance on kinematic sequence of the short game in male collegiate golfers. Sports Biomechanics. 2024;1-11:117-126.
Smith DL, Walsh MS. Relationship between backpack load location, sex, anthropometric and body composition factors with postural sway in healthy young adults. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2023;67(2):117-126.
Malaya CA, Parikh P, Smith DL, Riaz A, Chandrasekaran S, Layne CS. Effects of simulated hypo-gravity on lower limb kinematic and electromyographic variables during anti-gravitational treadmill walking. Front Physiol. 2023 June 8;16:1141015.
Schueren S, Hunger H, Pham H, Smith DL, Layne C, Malaya CA. Immediate effect of lower extremity joint manipulation on a lower extremity somatosensory illusion: a randomized, controlled crossover clinical pilot study. Front Hum Neurosci. 2022 Nov 8;16:1011997.
Smith DL, Olding K, Malaya CA, McCarty M, Haworth J, Pohlman KA. The influence of flexion distraction spinal manipulation on patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A prospective, open-label, single-arm, pilot study. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2022 Oct;32:60-67.
Smith DL, Haworth JL, Brooks EK, Cousins JM. Postural Control, Dual Task Performance and Executive Function Following an Ultramarathon. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2021 Sep 2:315125211044351.
Malaya CA, Haworth J, Pohlman KA, Smith DL. Immediate impact of extremity manipulation on dual task performance: a randomized, crossover clinical trial. Chiropr Man Therap. 2021 Feb 5;29(1):6.
Malaya CA, Haworth J, Pohlman KA, Powell C, Smith DL. Impact of Extremity Manipulation on Postural Sway Characteristics: A Preliminary, Randomized Crossover Study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2020 Aug 13:S0161-4754(20)30037-3. (Won ACC-RAC research award)
Walsh M, Church C, Hoffmeister A, Smith D, Haworth J. Validation of a Portable Force Plate for Evaluating Postural Sway. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2020 Jul 28:31512520945092.
Smith DL, Haug MJ, Walsh MS. The effect of posture on neck proprioception and head/neck stabilization in asymptomatic participants. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2019;63(2):100-110.
DeVocht JW, Vining R, Smith DL, Long C, Jones T, Goertz CJT. Effect of chiropractic manipulative therapy on reaction time in special operations forces military personnel: a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2019;20(1):5.
Smith DL, Claytor RP. An acute bout of aerobic exercise reduces movement time in a Fitts’ task. PLoS One. 2018 Dec 31;13(12):e0210195.
Bronson MA, Smith DL, Tuchin P. Spinal manipulation is beneficial for nonchronic low back pain. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Available online 22 April 2017.
DeVocht JW, Smith DL, Long CR, Corber L, Kane B, Jones TM, Goertz CM. The effect of chiropractic treatment on the reaction and response times of special operation forces military personnel: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2016 Sep 20;17(1):457.
Cramer GD, Smith DL. Correctly identify practitioners and put adverse events of spinal manipulation into perspective. Orthopedic Reviews. 2014; 6(5248):20.
Smith DL, Pohlman KA, Cramer GD. Chiropractors respond. Can Fam Physician. 2013 Dec;59(12):1265-8.
Smith DL, Cramer GD. Spinal Manipulation is Not an Emerging Risk Factor for Stroke Nor is it Major Head/Neck Trauma. Don’t Just Read the Abstract! The Open Neurology Journal 2011;5:46-47.
Potteiger JA, Smith DL, Maier ML, Foster TS. Relationship Between Body Composition, Leg Strength, Anaerobic Power, and On-Ice Skating Performance in Division I Men’s Hockey Athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jul;24(7):1755-62.
Smith DL, Walsh M, Smith JP. Running posture and step length changes immediately after chiropractic treatment in a patient with Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2009;32:93-98.
Stuber K, Smith DL. Chiropractic treatment of pregnancy-related low back pain: a systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2008;31:447-454.
Smith DL, Dainoff MJ, Smith JP. The effect of chiropractic adjustments on movement time: a pilot study using Fitts’ Law. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2006;29(4):257-66.
Stuber K, Grod JP, Smith DL, Powers P. An online survey of chiropractors’ opinions of continuing education. Chiropr Osteopat 2005;13:22.
Smart LJ, Mobley BS, Otten EW, Smith DL, Amin MR. Not just standing there: the use of postural coordination to aid visual tasks. Human Movement Science 2004;22:769-780.
Smith DL. Letter to the editor regarding the locked-in syndrome. Brain Injury 2004;18(6):627-628.
Smith DL, Dainoff MJ, Mark LS, Oates SP, Davis NC. Effect of a back belt on reaching postures. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2004;27(3):186-196.
Smith DL, Spillman DM. University students’ knowledge of cardiovascular health diseases risk factors. Journal of Medical Sciences 2003;3(4):263-273.
Smart LJ, Smith DL. Postural dynamics: clinical and empirical implications. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2001;24:340-349.
Smith DL, Spillman DM. A survey of chiropractors’ use of nutrition in private practice. Journal of Chiropractic Humanities 2001;10(1):1-6.
Smith DL, Smith JP. Chiropractic research: focus on subluxation. Chiropractic Research Journal 2000;7:61-64.
Smith DL, Cox RH. Muscular strength and chiropractic: theoretical mechanisms and health implications. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research 1999-2000; 3(4):1-13.
Doctoral (PhD) Dissertation
Postural Coordination During Quiet Stance and Suprapostural Activity.
Presentations at Scientific Conferences
Smith DL, Spaulding B, Ensminger P, McMichael A, Smith JP. Patient Perspectives Regarding Chiropractic Care, Prescription and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Ohio Academy of Science annual meeting, Kent State University, April 2024.
Fickenworth L, Veerappan MG, Porcaro S, Smith D, Haworth J. Scoping Review of the Patient-Centered Literature Regarding Hip Osteoarthritis. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. November 8-11, 2022, Chicago, Illinois.
Picard T, McGuire TG, Walsh MW, Kwon YH, Smith DL, Ward RM. The effects of target distance on kinematic sequence of the short game in male collegiate golfers. Midwest Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine. October 20-22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Jones A, Stein L, Thurnberg T, Smith DL, Malay N, Alessio HM. Cognitive and physical outcomes after 12 weeks of dual task vs. exercise only program for older adults. Midwest Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine. October 20-22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Smith DL, Pohlman K, Olding K, Malaya C, de Luca K, Haworth J. The influence of spinal manipulation on patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: a pilot study. ACC-RAC 2021, Online Conference. March 26-27, 2021.
Malaya C, Haworth J, Pohlman K, Smith DL. Immediate impact of extremity manipulation on dual task performance: a randomized, crossover clinical trial. CARLoquium, Online Conference. March 2-4, 2021. (Won 3rd best published work poster)
Malaya C, Haworth J, Pohlman K, Smith DL. Immediate impact of lower extremity manipulation on the Romberg quotient of postural sway in healthy adults: a pilot study. 15th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress/78th European Chiropractors’ Union Convention, Berlin, Germany. March 20-23, 2019.
Ubbes V, Smith DL, Ubbes J. Advancing a Framework for Chiropractic Health Literacy. 15th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress/78th European Chiropractors’ Union Convention, Berlin, Germany. March 20-23, 2019.
Haworth J, Malaya C, Powell C, Smith DL, Pohlman K. Sensorimotor Control is Affected by Chiropractic Extremity Manipulation. Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, Raleigh, NC. August 2-4, 2018.
Malaya C, Powell C, Haworth J, Smith DL, Pohlman K. Impact of extremity manipulation on postural sway characteristics: a preliminary, randomized cross-over study. ACC-RAC 2018, Dallas, TX. March 8-10, 2018.
DeVocht J, Smith DL, Long C, Vining R, Jones T, Li Q, Goertz C. The effect of chiropractic treatment on the reaction and response times of special operation forces military personnel: a randomized controlled trial. ACC-RAC 2017, Washington, DC. March 15-18, 2017.
Smith DL, Haworth JL, Brooks E, Cousins JM. Changes in postural control and dual task performance following an ultramarathon. XXIth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, July 5-8, 2016, Chicago, IL.
Rasicci VM, Smith DL, Williems C, Smith E, Groezinger EY, Cousins JM. Body mass, fat mass, and extracellular water decrease following a 27 km and 50 km trail race. American College of Sports Medicine National Conference. May 31-June 4, 2016, Boston, MA
Smith DL, Nock L, Claytor RP. The effect of an acute bout of exercise on movement time. American College of Sports Medicine National Conference. May 26-30, 2015, San Diego, California.
Venis K, Staniskyte M, Smith DL, Alessio H. The comparison of anatomical models and the anatomage table as effective teaching modalities. Midwest Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine. November 7-8, 2014, Merrillville, Indiana.
Nock LA, Smith DL, Inman JA, Costanzo C, Claytor RP. The effect of an acute bout of exercise on movement time. Midwest Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine. November 7-8, 2014, Merrillville, Indiana.
Inman J, Costanzo C, Nock L, Smith DL, Claytor RP. An acute bout of exercise enhances cognitive performance in college-age males. Midwest Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine. November 7-8, 2014, Merrillville, Indiana.
Smith DL, Venis K, Feczer R, Walsh M, Haug M, Slattery E, Blasi S. Effect of posture on a head repositioning and ‘head still’ task. International Society for Ecological Psychology 2014 North American Meeting. June 5-7, 2014, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Rodger Tepe, Dean Smith, Kevin Ward, John Ellis, and Jonathan Emlet. A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Spinal Manipulative Therapy on Fitts’ Law Performance. The Journal of Chiropractic Education, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2011, page 64.
Potteiger JA, Smith DL, Maier M, Foster T. Relationship Between Laboratory Testing And On-ice Skating Performance In Division I Men’s Hockey Athletes. American College of Sports Medicine 09 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, May 27-30, 2009.
Smith DL, Walsh M, Smith JP. Effect of chiropractic adjustments on locomotion in a patient with Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Journal of Chiropractic Education 2007, VOL 21; NUMB 1, pages 83.
Smith DL, Smart LJ, Otten EW. Postural coordination dynamics during voluntary suprapostural activity. XVth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, Boston University, Boston, MA, June 18-21, 2004.
Smith DL, Smart LJ, Otten EW, Pecorak K, Amin M, Bidwell B. Investigating behavioral modes of postural control and coordination. International Society for Ecological Psychology, 2003 International Meeting. Griffith University, Australia, July 2003.
Otten EW, Smart LJ, Amin M, Bidwell B, Johnson B, McLaughlin M, Pecorak K, Smith, DL. Effect of predictability of stimulus on visually-induced-motion-sickness. International Society for Ecological Psychology, 2003 International Meeting. Griffith University, Australia, July2003.
Amin M, Bidwell B, Johnson B, Pecorak K, Riggs M, Otten E, Smith D, Smart LJ. The effect of field-of-vision on coordination in virtual environments. International Society for Ecological Psychology, 2003 International Meeting. Griffith University, Australia, July2003.
Smith DL, Otten EW, Hinton K,Smart LJ, Mobley B, Amin M, Graban L, Crompton K, Manuel J. Surface and visual constraints on postural motion. International Society for Ecological Psychology 2002 North American Meeting. May 23-25, 2002, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Davis NC, Smith DL. Attitudes toward chiropractic. Miami University, May 2002.
Mobley B, Smart LJ, Amin M,Graban L, Otten E, Hinton K, Smith DL. Task specific postural adaptation. International Society for Ecological Psychology 2002 North American Meeting. May 23-25, 2002, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Smith DL. Postural dynamics following chiropractic adjustment: Preliminary findings. International Society for Ecological Psychology 2002 North American Meeting. May 23-25, 2002, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Smith DL, Otten E, Smart LJ. Postural mode changes with support surface but not vision. Coordination Dynamics2002, May 10-11, 2002, Delray Beach, Florida.
Smith DL. Fitts’ law and the effect of chiropractic adjustments on movement time. Research Agenda Conference VII, March 13-16, 2002. New Orleans, LA.
Smith DL. Postural control and chiropractic: clinical and empirical issues. Ninth Annual Vertebral Subluxation Research Conference, Oct. 13-14, 2001. Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, SC.
Dainoff MJ, Mark LS, Oates SP,Smith DL. Wearing a back belt effects reaching posture. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting, October 8-12, 2001,Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Smart LJ, Smith DL. Crossing borders: implications for postural stability and coordination. Eleventh International Conference on Perception and Action, June 25-29, 2001. University of Connecticut.
Smith DL. The perceived spinal performance questionnaire. Miami University (Ohio), May 3, 2001.
Dainoff MJ, Mark LS, Oates S, Smith DL. Wearing a Back Belt Affects Working Posture During Reaching. 4th Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference, March 12-15, 2001. Orlando, Florida.
Smart LJ, Smith DL. Clinical utility of postural dynamics. Poster presented at Spring 2000 meeting of the North American section of the International Society for Ecological Psychology. Clemson University, June 23, 2000.
Smith D, Spillman D. A survey of chiropractors’ use of nutrition in private practice. Paper presented at the Ohio Academy of Science annual meeting, Cleveland State University, April 1999.
Magazine Articles
Smith DL. Chiropractic and Low Back Pain – Two Important New Studies. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2018; 3rd Quarter:10-11, 21.
Smith DL. Care Response: The Latest in Chiropractic Research – An Overview of the ACC-RAC 2018 Conference. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2018; 2nd Quarter:10-11, 18.
Smith DL. Care Response: Chiropractic Utilization, Practice and Reasons for Seeking Care – An Update. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2018; 1st Quarter:10-11, 19.
Smith DL. Care Response: A Free Clinical Outcome and Patient Satisfaction Tool. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2017; 3rd Quarter:10-11.
Smith DL. DC 2017- Chiropractic Research in the Spotlight. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2017; 2nd Quarter:10-11.
Smith DL. The Treatment of Neck Pain-Associated Disorders and Whiplash-Associated Disorders. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2017; 1st Quarter:10-11.
Smith DL. Spinal Manipulation Alters Somatosensory Processing in the Prefrontal Cortex. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2016; 4th Quarter:10-11.
Smith DL. Chiropractic Science Delivers the Evidence with Convenience. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2016; 3rd Quarter:10-11.
Smith DL. Lower Medicare Costs for Chiropractic Users with Chronic Low Back Pain and Multiple Comorbidities. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2016; 2nd Quarter:24-25.
Smith DL. The Cervical Spine and Concussion. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2016; 2nd Quarter:24-25.
Smith DL. Do Responders to Spinal Manipulative Therapy Differ Biomechanically From Nonresponders or Controls? On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2015; November/December:16-17.
Smith DL. Spinal Manipulation Versus Usual Medical Care for Acute and Subacute Low Back Pain. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2015; July/August:16-17.
Smith DL. Chiropractic Adjustments Reduce Fatigue and Increase Neural Drive. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2015; March/April:18-19.
Smith DL. Lower Cost and Less Drug Use in the Workplace with Chiropractic. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2015; January/February:20-21.
Smith DL. Biochemical Markers of Pain Perception and Stress Response Following Spinal Manipulation. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2014; November/December:22-23.
Smith DL. Update on the Magnitude and Time Course of Low Back Pain. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2014; July/Aug:22-23.
Smith DL. Chiropractic and Exercise for Seniors with Chronic Neck Pain. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2014; May/June:22-23.
Smith DL. Guidelines of Chiropractic Treatment of Neck Pain. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2014; March/April:22-23.
Smith DL. Chiropractic and Hip Osteoarthritis. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2014; Jan/Feb:22-23.
Smith DL. Chiropractic and Immediate Pain Relief. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2013; November/December:22-23.
Smith DL. Manipulation and Acute Low Back Pain – Two New Studies. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2013; July/Aug:22-23.
Smith DL. Manual Therapy and Childhood Respiratory Disease. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2013; May/June:22-23.
Smith DL. Chiropractic and Infant Colic. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2013; March/April:14-15.
Smith DL. Chiropractic Interventions and Routine Obstetric Care. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2013; January/February:14-15.
Smith DL. Manipulation and Pain Sensitivity. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2012; Nov/Dec:16-17.
Smith DL. Spinal Manipulation Outcome Measures Review. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2012; Sep/Oct:21.
Smith DL. Spinal Manipulation Cost Effectiveness Review. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2012; Jul/Aug:21.
Smith DL. Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Neck Pain. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2012; May/Jun:15.
Smith DL. Neck Pain: Manipulation More Effective. On Target Official Publication of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2012; Mar/Apr:15.
Smith DL. Growing like a weed: a look at the development of postural and motor control in children. Canadian Chiropractor 2003;8(3):6,8-9.
Smith DL. Motor control and chiropractic. Canadian Chiropractor 2002;7(4):17.
Smith DL, Dainoff MJ. The three guiding principles of ergonomics. Today’s Chiropractic 2001;30(6):51-53.
Smith DL. Sporting good posture. Canadian Chiropractor 2001;6(4):6,8-9.
Smith DL, Cox RH. Biodynamic performance and strength through chiropractic care. International Review of Chiropractic 2001;57:39-42.
Smith DL. Strength training combined with chiropractic adjustments. Canadian Chiropractor 2000;5:10,12-13.
Smith DL. Swinging Right. Canadian Chiropractor 1999;4:14-17,44.