Neck Exercise Videos
The recently published CCGI Clinical Practice Guideline recommends that patients with neck pain and whiplash disorders be encouraged to get involved in self-care and do some home exercises (e.g., mobility, stretching, strengthening exercises). The exercises in the new video series are based on the latest evidence and have been selected after review by clinicians and researchers from the CCGI team.
The exercises are illustrated in the below videos. They are grouped into four distinct categories to allow your chiropractor to choose the type of exercise they will provide to you, making it easy for both doctors and patients to find the right ones for them.
Exercise Forms
Below are information sheets on many different topics which you may find useful. You can print, download or view these online. Don’t forget – pain is a warning sign – do not ignore it. You should seek the attention of your chiropractor or your family doctor if you are experiencing pain or other symptoms.
Posture, neck stretching and shoulder stretching exercises
Neck motor control and strengthening exercises
Shoulder blade motor control, strengthening and shoulder strengthening exercises